Monday, December 21, 2009

Easiest Red Wine Punch Ever

Everyone I know is short on time lately, so I thought I'd share with you a wonderful recipe a dear friend of mine gave me. This will definitely help you out if you're hosting a dinner or if you're getting together with friends.

Believe me. Try this one for yourself and your guests will love it (you will too after you see for yourself how easy this is). This is an excellent opportunity for you to shine with an amazing drink and just little effort.

You'll need:

1 liter red wine
2 liter bottle of regular 7 up
Canned fruit cocktail

How to:

Put 2 cups of fruit cocktail in a jug.
Pour 4 cups of wine.
Leave for 15 minutes.
Pour 2 liters of 7 up.
Add ice.

That's it!


Happy holidays!

P.S. I'm linking this to DIY Day at Kimba's A Soft Place to Land
and Show and Tell at Blue Cricket Design


  1. How is a fantastic post.Thanks for sharing.
    Anbud på måleri projekt

  2. Sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  3. This sounds fantastic! We make a similar punch in the summer using red wine, fresca, and fresh cut-up fruit. The idea of the canned fruit would be super quick and easy. Great for unexpected guests.



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