Saturday, December 26, 2009

International Gift Exchange

A while ago, back in November, I read about an amazing idea: an International Gift Exchange at Craftaholics Anonymous. I couldn't believe it. Wouldn't it be fun to receive a gift in the mail? A handmade gift? Things couldn't get any better.

In spite of the crazyness that December brought to my life (due to an awful amount of work at the office and Christmas celebrations), the effort was worth it. I sent my gift all the way to Switzerland on time.

Well, a few days ago, I received my gifts (yay!). I couldn't blog about it at the time, but I'm ready to share with you my wonderful surprise. Look what the mail got me!!!!

A beautiful set of holiday handprinted cards and envelopes. Lovely ribbon, huh?
Look at these cuties!

And there's more, jewelry! Gorgeous necklace and earrings in my favorite color!

Let me remind you, everything is handmade.

The talented young lady behind this lovely Christmas gift is Elizabeth Bodin (thank you, girl!).
You can check her blog love me for me here for more of her amazing creations.

So tell me, did you participate in any gift exchange? Were you nice enough to get presents for Christmas? Do share!

P.S. By the way, I'm linking this to Craftaholics Anonymous International Gift Exchange Linky Party, in case you're curious enough to check out more gifts.


  1. So pretty! What a neat idea! And yes, love the handmade aspect of it as well.


  2. You scored big time!! CUTE cards and Beautiful jewelry! wow! Lucky you :) Thanks for linking up and letting us check out your goodies!
    Happy Holdiays!

  3. What a neat idea! Love those cards and the jewelry.

  4. I am so happy you liked your gifts! I had so much fun making them. Have a wonderful New Years!


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