Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to Grow an Aloe Vera

A week ago, my family and I spent some days at the beach. Ooohhh! Sweet memories.
Speak about perfect weather!!!! Warm. Sunny.

Ok, ok, back to business. At the beach, we found a lovely garden with plenty of aloe vera. Being so famous for its healing properties, I brought a couple of them home. I took them out of the garden, and placed each of them in a plastic bag. Then I put some soil into each bag and they were ready to go.

For a week, they remained in their bags, waiting outside for me to take care of them.

It's embarrassing, I know. Worst is, this is the sight I had from the kitchen, so this is what I looked at 3 times a day. All I'll say on my behalf is my job didn't leave alone for a minute. It was basically impossible to do anything besides work. =(

I was starting to think the plants might not make it, after being there for a week. However, they were still looking fresh. So finally, on Thursday, I had a little time and worked on them.

Putting a plant in a new pot is ridiculously simple, but I'll show you how I did it.

First, put soil in the empty pot. Fill it halfway up.

Next, take your plant and hold it inside the pot with one hand.

Then use your other hand to fill the space with soil. Press soil firmly around the base of the plant.


Extra tip: Water your aloe a little every day-- using more water on hotter days. If you live in hot climates, keep your aloe in the shade. If you live in colder climates, keep your aloe in the sun, and water less. ;)

I love how they look!

Can't wait to share some Aloe Vera properties with you, so stay tuned!

P.S. Sharing with Amy's Victory of the Week


  1. I used to always have Aloe Vera plants growing in my home. A great reminder. I will have to do this, as I always need it for something!

  2. Aloe vera plants are very handy to have around, and they look great too!

  3. oooh, now I'm all inspired to start planting! I love the texture on those. I hope looking at them out the kitchen window will offer some healing properties too! :)

    Thanks for linking up to VOTW @ Design-Aholic. Check back to the recap post soon... :)

  4. Hey Rocio- I HAD TO feature this project on the VOTW recap. Come stop by!



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