Sunday, February 28, 2010

Interior Design Spotlight - La Estancia Gaucha

One of my family's favorite restaurants in town has just recently opened a new location. I hadn't had the chance to go until this weekend though I'd heard it was a beautiful place, with an original ceiling. I really never pictured how amazing it was until I got there.

You know me. I had to share. ;)

I'm not sure if the picture does justice. It's really something. It's wavy and it seems to move as you move.

Here's a close-up.

Did you notice it even seems to move as you scroll up and down with your mouse?
How cool is that?

This is what you see if you look straight up:
This wooden structure was designed by Oseo Creativo.

Obviously the ceiling is the main attraction here, but I should let you know this is the best Argentinean Restaurant in town according to many. And the rest of the interior design is just as lovely.

The bar.

Another angle from the restaurant.

The lovely terrace.

The new Estancia Gaucha is located in a gorgeous new building, Punto Sao Paulo, and it quickly became the hot spot. No wonder why.

Hope you enjoyed the tour. I'd love to know what you think.
{All images mine, except for the last three via estancia gaucha}


  1. Rocio, the ceiling is definitely cook, and that bar has an awesome sophisticated vibe.

    Thanks for the tour. :)

  2. That looks like a great place to visit. That ceiling is amazing- so creative! The bar and indoors looks very sophisticated and chic while the terrace looks more relaxed.


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