Saturday, September 4, 2010

It was two years ago...

We've been celebrating this past week, for it was our second year anniversary. It's been two fun, happy, and loving years. (Hey, what can I say? I'm madly in love). Amazingly enough, I must confess it was just this week we printed our wedding pictures. So, of course, as any good blogger would do, I thought I'd share them with you. 

All pictures were taken by our friend and photographer Michel.

{By the way, I've been meaning to share with you somethings relative to our celebration. I'm working on that, but I kindly ask for your patience. Sometimes my job doesn't allow me to work on my true passion: blogging. ;) }

Happy long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. que lindas foootos!!! gracias por compartirlas!

    pd. tu vestido de novia estaba precioso :)


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