Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cool Art for Childrens' Rooms

I recently discovered Flavia, a Mexican ilustrator.

I am so in love with her work.
It's got the quality of making you dream and imagine stories.

Starts up your mind,
as any good ilustration does.

I really heart them.
And, I can picture them in a kid's room.

In fact, Flavia also designs wall decals.


If your interested, check out her blog.

There's really cool stuff.
Speaking of kids' rooms, I started 2011 cleaning and organizing my daughter's room. We were there together, all morning, doing her closet, drawers... just about everything. In the end, it was worth it, and we rented a movie to watch later that afternoon. A great treat for a great job! And such an excellent way to start this year.


I've got many plans for my home this 2011, but I have to concentrate on organizing first. Of course, I'll keep you posted. I know for sure there'll be tons of monsters creeping out of everywhere, but at least I'm done with one room!


1 comment:

  1. aaaah me encantaron las ilustraciones en las paredes, yo este año espero decorar el cuarto de mi hijo con algo mas alegre, asi que me encanto este post, si tienes mas ideas amiga pues lanzalas!!! jeje
    gracias por tus lindos comentarios siempre, un beso!


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