Monday, June 13, 2011

Brand Spotlight - Rococo Furniture

While surfing the web searching for information for one of my current projects, I bumped into Rococo, a Mexican firm making the most amazing and gorgeous furniture revamp. Most of their furniture is Louis XV or XVI style, but they are restored using their own line of fabrics (with Mexican designs) or painted by local artisans and visual artists. The result: great pieces of furniture with character and lots of style.
Wish I could take my hands on one of them and paint it myself.
Really love them.

all images: rococo

1 comment:

  1. Holla, Rocio! The pictures you posted are great! The Rococo designs are well-known for their fine curves and detail. But what I like about these furniture is the unbelievable fusion of the classic Rococo and Mexican designs. The fusion of the designs created a good harmony, like what the song “Ebony and Ivory” says. ^_^

    Darryl Margulies


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