Saturday, January 29, 2011

We're moving!!!!

Ok, not us. The blog is.

A few of you out there know that I actually have TWO blogs.
More like two versions of the same blog: Casa Haus, and Casa Haus Spanish.

It has really been difficult for me to keep both of them updated, so I've made the decision to put them both together, and I'll be writing my posts in both English and Spanish, but on the SAME blog.

So, our new address is:

Come on over! We'll have fun!!

Oh! And don't forget to follow Casa Haus over there!


  1. Yo tambien escribia en los dos idiomas hasta que me di cuenta que no merecia la pena, demasiado trabajo y era confuso para mis lectores, ya hare uno en espanol cuando me vaya a canarias.

  2. Hi!
    I'm glad that I could give you some helpful advice for painting your cabinets.
    The brand of paint I usually use is Behr. It's available through Home Depot, and I really love it! You don't have to dilute the paint. Thin coats just means don't load your brush up with paint and try to get it all done in one thick coat. Does that make sense? Sorry for the confusion. :)

  3. I have learned in my own home projects that you can NEVER PREP ENOUGH! sanding is the best way to get a coat that wont chip or peel... I hated it but it really is worth the half a day or so you'd put into it. And when it comes to painting I agree with Beth in the thin coats... But dont under estimate the paint brush! When it comes to the price of a paint brush you get what you pay for b/c if you are a perfectionist like me those lines from the cheaper brushes will drive you crazy and are so annoying to have to sand b/c they can be so groovy! Hope that helps! :)


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