Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Messing Around With Photoshop

I thought it would be fun to share with you the "before" and "after" pics I did with Photoshop waaaaaaaay back in January. I know, things have not been as smooth as you would probably expect (I definitely knew it for sure), but we're gettin' there.

Move your mouse in and out of the pic to see the changes.

Here are the still images for you.

Of course this is only considering painting the cabinets.

My husband shouldn't read this, but I would LOVE to change the tile for the backsplash and then of course install dark countertops, and perhaps even new floor tiles? Let's just leave it in painting the kitchen cabinets. At least that's where I'm stuck for the moment.

Anyhoo, this gives you an idea of the first changes I'm attempting.
I really like the blue-grayish tones for the kitchen.

So, I would love to have some insight! Do you like it, or not?

A great day for all of you!

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